"Ahh, shit...I'm hungover," was my very first thought this morning. I was supposed to be so good this weekend--eat healthy and get lots of exercise. But, my abnormally bad hangovers usually leave me useless for the entire day. Today, however, I decided to do everything in my power to snap out of it and stick to my weekend goal.

Here's how I cured my hangover the healthy way...

First thing...FOOD!

What you want: Grease and carbs
Most people crave greasy foods when they're hungover. Obviously, a bad choice, so let's skip right passed the breakfast burrito and french fries. I wake up feeling like I need carbs after a long night of drinking.

What you need: Antioxidants and water
Eggs are a good source of cysteine, an amino acid that is a powerful anti-oxident. Cysteine breaks up the alcohol/hangover toxins that are swarming your body on Saturday morning.

The last thing I wanted was a veggie omelet, so I opted for Protein Oats--a perfect mix of healthy carbs and antioxidants! I downed it with some Coconut Water...and I swear, it really helps cure a hangover.

Perfect hungover breakfast.

Second...sweat it out.

One of the best ways to get rid of a hangover is to sweat it out, however, the thought of physical activity makes me want to vomit when I'm hungover.

I entertained the idea of running...vomit.
Elliptical interval training...vomit.
Light strength training...fine.

I started with some foam rolling and a deep stretch. Then, I warmed up for 7 minutes on the elliptical and did two circuits (3x each) of total-body strength using TRX, kettlebells and a medicine ball. Then, I headed straight to the sauna to sweat it out.

After a post-workout protein shake and a shower, I felt like a million bucks.

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